TransTerm 4C Data Terminal
The TRANSTERM 4C is a character oriented self-contained keyboard/display terminal designed to transmit and receive information interactively to/from a central computer or other similar communications capable device. The TransTerm can be used as a simple operator interface to another device, or as a part of a multi-terminal network for work in process tracking, time and attendance, or inventory and job cost control. This little terminal is not \”intimidating\” and is built to withstand harsh environments and handling. The keypad is unaffected by most chemicals and solvents and the large keys are easy to press even with gloved fingers. The high capacity display is ideal for computer generated prompts and instructions as well as operator entered data.
The Transterm 4C operates in one of 3 OPERATING MODES:
1. Teletype (TTY) mode – Displayable characters transmitted to the serial port are displayed. Keyed in, or scanned (displayable) characters are immediately transmitted out the serial port (and optionally displayed).
2. BLOCK SEND mode – Displayable characters transmitted to the serial port are displayed. Keyed in, or scanned (displayable) characters are displayed and not transmitted until a ENTER \”CR\” is input. Scanned data can be set to automatically \”ENTER\”.
3. TNET Multi-drop mode – Used with the ComputerWise TNET data collection system where up to 250 TransTerms communicate real-time with a single host computer. The host communicates with the TIM1B Network Controller using RS-232. The Terminals communicate with the TIM1B using RS-422 (individually addressed). The TNET system optimizes communication speed, prevents message collisions, and simplifies the communication with the host.
In all 3 modes, Control Commands sent to the serial port, or entered by the operator, perform local terminal functions.
TT4C Datasheet (138k/ pdf)