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The Tim1B is the heart of the TNET System


The TNET (TransTerm Network) is a \”Message System\” where up to 250 data collection terminals send and receive messages from a single host computer. The TIM1B Network Controller simplifies the interface by performing all of the detailed network device maintenance. The TIM1B is a self contained device with a high-speed microprocessor, data storage memory, and five high-speed serial communication ports (up to 19.2K baud). One port plugs into the host computer (RS-232C via a DB25F). The other ports go out to TNET network devices (RS­422/485 compatible using RJ-45s).


Real-time Communication

The Tim1b can communicate in real-time with the host computer. The HOST computer generates prompting message strings computer and sends them to the TIM1B. The TIM1B sends the message immediately to the addressed terminal. Data entered on the terminal is polled and collected by the TIM1B. The HOST can ask for the messages one at a time or take them as fast as they come. This configuration gives the host the power to validate the data, time/date stamp transactions and respond to the TNET terminals faster and with greater flexibility.


Datasheet (144k/\"PDF pdf)